Monday 31 January 2011

February Ideas!


We have tons of ideas for February in the fundraising department. I'm going around Plymouth University Campus asking anyone and everyone for sponsership, as well as standing outside Drake Circus shopping centre asking passers by if they could spare a few pennies for a Parkinson's sticker.

The weather in Plymouth is currently gorgeous so my housemates and I are going to hold a house BBQ as we have a roof terrace and many friends who have thew ability to eat copious amounts of food. For about £3 people will get a burger and sausage in a bun, plus a few cans/cocktails each. We're hoping this will be a huge success, and take place around 12th/13th Feb, if the weather holds out.

Thursday 6 January 2011

2011 fundraising prospects

Ahoy there wonderful sponsers!

I do realise since deciding to participate in the Bath Half I have not a lot in order to raise money, but this year I feel a change in the winds! My friend Anna is also taking part and fundraising for the RNLI, so all fundraising events we do together funds will be seperated equally. And we have TONS of ideas. Your basic cake sales and car washes, knocking on peoples doors and handing out leaflets, stickers, lollypops etc. to those lucky enough to meet us outside Drake Circus in Plymouth, but also larger events, such as a slave auction in our Students Union, and a house BBQ (food and drink for only a couple of quid!). We're working on more and more ideas as we want to raise as much as possible. Anything you can think of, just tell me I'll be on it!

Photos, videos and more blog posts will of course be on my sponsership webpage at